Operating Systems, shortly OS is an
intermediate between the computer hardware and users. It is a collection
of software which manages the computer hardware resources and provides
common services for computer programs. Today, there are different types
of standard operating systems which are developed and used as

systems (OS) are known to simplify and provide the human computer
interactions. These are responsible for connecting the user-defined
application programs with the hardware; due to which it becomes easy to
access over the computers. They host several applications which run on
computers and hence handle the operations related to their functioning
with that of the computer. Hence, Operating Systems are essential
component of computer system software; as all the application programs
usually function and run on these operating systems.
According to the developing Computer and Information technology,
there has been a tremendous growth in the development sector. Today,
there are different types of Operating system, which acts as a
middleware between the hardware and the user, thereby providing easy and
understanding interactions.
Comparison of various Operating Systems:
Real-Time Operating System:
Real-time Operating System also known as RTOS; are used for managing
the control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. It
manages the computer resources and handles the operation in a precise
way by providing equal amount of time for every operation. It has very
little user-interface capability, and no end-user utilities.
There are two types of real-time operating systems.
Hard Real-Time Systems- the system guarantee the
completion of the critical task on time. In this system, the secondary
storage is limited or missing with data stored in ROM and the virtual
memory is also almost never found.
Soft Real-Time Systems- these are less restrictive
and hence these give the first priority to the critical tasks than the
other tasks. They retain the priority until the task gets completed.
These have limited utility than hard real-time systems. For example,
Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Advanced Scientific Projects like undersea
exploration and planetary rovers etc.
Single-User, Single Task Operating System:
From the names itself it gets clear that these operating systems work
on single task and single user at a time. Here, a single tasks or
operation can be carried out efficiently and thoroughly by a single
user. The Palm OS for Palm handheld computers is a good example of a
modern single-user, single-task operating system.
Single-User, Multi-Task Operating System:
These operating systems works on more than one task and process them
concurrently at a time. The processors of this OS divides the time among
the several executed tasks. This division of time is called as
Time Sharing systems. Here,
the processors switch rapidly between the processes. For example, the
user can listen to music on the computer while writing an article using
word processor software. Users can also switch between the applications
and transfer the data between them; Windows 95 and all later versions of
Windows are examples of multitasking OS.
Multiuser Operating System:
In these OS, multiple users are allowed to access the same data or information at a time via a
network. The users can also interact among each-other. Some examples of this type of Os are: Linux, UNIX, and Windows 7.
Multiprocessing Operating System:
Here, a single process runs on two or more processors. All the
processing and their management takes place in a parallel way, hence
this OS are also called as
Parallel Processing. Each
processor works on different parts of the same task, or, on two or more
different tasks. As their execution works in parallel, these are
applicable for high speed execution, and also to increase the power of
computer. For example: Linux, UNIX and Windows 7 are examples of
multiprocessing OS.
Embedded Operating System:
These are embedded in a device, which is located in ROM. These are
applicable and developed only for the needed resources and accordingly
developed. These OS are less resource intensive. Mainly, applicable in
appliances like microwaves, washing machines, traffic control systems
Distributed Operating System:
In these OS, the computers work in co-operation with each other. As
this OS manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear
to be a single computer is known as a distributed operating system.

Along with these OS, the other developed OS are
Mobile Operating Systems,
which are now famous in all types of latest and developed mobiles;
among them the most renowned and famous are the Android OS with all
multitasking and application features. In
Batch Processing and Interactive Systems, the execution of programs takes place in batches. The
Online and Offline Processing Systems offers the processing of data in online mode.
Some of the most used Oerating systems in todays market are listed below:
Linux / Ubuntu, MacOS, MS-DOS, IBM OS/2 Warp, Unix /
Variants, Windows CE, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98
SE, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista,
Windows 7
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